测温筒GB7000附录K温升测试筒样板图 袁先生直线: 腾讯在线:7692973 东莞安规检测技术有限公司 真诚来源于您的关怀,关怀来源于您的理解,理解来源于我们的沟通 浙江GB7000附录K温升测试筒:根据UL1598要求:19.5.3 A thermocouple intended to measure ambient temperature shall be immersed in 15 ml (0.5 oz) of mineral oil in a glass container or attached to a metal mass of approximately 30 g (1 oz) that is within a cylindrical metal shield open at the top and bottom. 浙江GB7000附录K测温筒:根据IEC60598附录K要求:The average ambient temperature in the draught-proof enclosure is taken to be the air temperature at a position near one of the perforated walls on a level with the centre of the luminaire. The temperature is usually measured by a thermocouple soldered to a metal mass of approximately 30 g shielded against radiation by a double-walled cylinder of polished metal open at the top and bottom. 浙江IEC60598附录K温升测试筒、测温筒:东莞安规的的宗旨: 仪器行业一一家有近20年产品认证技术背景的公司! 仪器行业一一家依托大型技术交流网站做为技术背景的公司! 仪器行业一一家聘用认证机构高级项目工程师作为技术骨干的公司! 仪器行业一一家自主拥有全套精密加工检测设备,这是质量保证的前提,交期的**** 江苏UL1598附录K温升测试筒、测温筒: 谢谢!感谢支持浏览东莞安规测温筒GB7000附录K温升测试筒的网页, 公司员工始终坚持真诚,热情,周到、专业的态度为广大客户一步一步做好“售前技术咨询服务”、“售中技术培训”、“售后技术服务”。诚信促进发展,实力铸就品牌,我们正加倍努力争取用更优质的产品,*的服务于广大客户朋友们共同开创辉煌未来。真诚与各位新老客户长期合作!谢谢浏览我的网页,祝您生活愉快